pretty dam gud
i liked it.
pretty dam gud
i liked it.
pretty good
i have seen things worse than this get a better score, so I feel sorry for you getting a 1.90.
The animation was pretty decent, but very short and it wasn't that detailed. You actually put a slight emount of effort into this and I appriciate that.
The only problem with the animation was that there was no background.
And the gun at the end was very cheap.
I like that you added audio, because a flash without audio sucks usually. And you added songs too, and ng likes song in flash, especially metal.
Now, here is my **advice** for next time:
-please design the charecters better ( i am sure this will not be a problem for U)
-Make a better story
-Add a background
-draw better guns
and maybe even add a little emotion to it.
Rpae and fuck them with chainsaws!!! >:D \,,/
pretty nice, but when you draw stuff like gandalf, dont make a 2-frame loop, instead, draw them 3 or 4 times and loop that, and it will look better.
Ha, I did that most times except for Gandalf ^^ Thanks for the tip, maybe I'll do that in this movie.
kil them all!
u and me should start a crew.
im gunna get a website soon.
jk, i dont like you XD!
yeah fuck you too.
nice, but next time, could you mabe add a flashback or something that had some violence?
of you are talking about a war, it has to have some violence.
good job, the figures have sloppy bodies, but besides all that it is great.
well done
Yeah, I think this flash would have benefited from a decapitation or two.
Age 95, Male
Joined on 12/9/06